Kidney Support #37
Kidneys are another area where today’s horses are put under extreme stress with a chemical environment. The kidneys primary function is to cleanse the blood and produce urine, which excrete wastes; due to the critical and body-encompassing nature of this job, improvement in kidney function will help restore and relieve a wide range of systems and symptoms. #37 Kidney Support for Horses, helps maintain optimal kidney function, and may be beneficial in:
Supporting general bladder and kidney issues
Behavior issues such as general crankiness, poor haulers, general discomfort
Performance issues such as avoiding hard stops and turns
Helping maintain normal fluid levels throughout the body
Looking at sides, frequently lying down, acting colicky but won’t roll
Helps maintain normal pH which may reduce the likelihood of crystal formulation
Training and performance support for exercising muscle
Soreness in back, joints or feet, or tight muscles
Reducing free radical formation
Won’t relax, especially while being ridden
#37 Kidney Support